Here are some examples of study resources that our members thought were helpful. You can use the form at the bottom of the page to suggest a resource to add, or give feedback on a resource listed.
D level:
C and up:
Cardiovascular system:
Pony Club IQ
This is a great resource for any level that is provided by Pony Club, it can be accesed at
Resource feedback and submisson
Here you can give feedback on a resource we have listed, or you can suggest a new one to add.
Rally video success!
As one of our many projects, the MSYB hosted informational zoom meetings for those new to rally. Each session was presented by an MSYB meber, and also had a Horse Management Judge online. Our members have experience in Games, Tetrathlon, Eventing, Dressage, and Show Jumping rallies. Meetings were from 6:30-7:00 on the evenings of the following dates:
5/1 and 5/10: Stall set-up
5/2 and 5/11: Tack & Feed room set up
5/3 and 5/12: Required Equipment
5/6 and 5/15: Turnout Inspections
5/7 and 5/16: Safety Checks and Turnbacks
5/8 and 5/17: Vet Box
Check back in later to see the presentations we gave on each topic.
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